07 Oct 2023: Burgos (rest day)

A fine fall day with a leisurely start. One must rest on a rest day, after all. So the plan is a stroll about town. The sycamore trees make a lovely esplanade,

And the morning market is setting up, with olives, cheese, baked goods, carved olive wood, and so much more.

Continuing with the old gate, once part of the city walls and the main entrance to Burgos in medieval times. still magnificent!

Then on to the Burgos Cathedral, a landmark and possibly the most famous church in Spain, at least until that upstart in Barcelona came along.

This Gothic masterpiece is huge, but with a different arrangement from the French Gothic of, say, Chartres or Saint-Denis. It is ringed with chapels, each large and ornate in its own right.

I was so distracted by the reliquary by the grand staircase (except I think it’s more likely the cart used to transport the Host during the procession on Corpus Christi)

I completely missed the choir.

Nearly missed the nave too — had to backtrack when I couldn’t find the entry.

The ceilings are varied, and nearly as ornate as the altar reredos.

The tour includes the cloister

And museum, with its ornate relics.

In all, a completely overwhelming display of the wealth of the region.

It happens that I am in town on the weekend (6-7 Oct) of their annual city festival; think “Christmas markets without the cold but wearing medieval instead “. Every plaza has its collection of booths, it’s strolling musicians, its medieval games. I heard rumors of jousting as well. It’s all very festive.

Time for lunch! Fortunately I was able to snag another menú del dia. Paella for starter:

The smallest, thinnest lamb chops I’ve ever encountered:

And a lovely chilled custard for dessert. They serve their custard with a sprinkle of cinnamon here:

A nice meal for the price (17€) and a shady terrace overlooking the cathedral plaza.

And for dinner, a light repast of tapas:

4 responses to “07 Oct 2023: Burgos (rest day)

  1. The riches of the cathedral beggar belief!!  What a lovely day you had.Sent from my Galaxy

  2. What a spectacular building – so glad your itinerary allowed for time in this city in such beautiful weather. FM

  3. debraannstrickland

    Absolutely glorious! So much light. ♥️

  4. I love the focus on food, Rachel!! Looks like a great city for a rest stop. Yes, such an opulent cathedral. May the journey continue well. I still call you my sister pilgrim, although I walked only a week with you in 2010. Susan

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